Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Always Brave..?

First things first – watch this video and tell me you don't get chills:  

                                                    Video Courtesy of BlueSkyAgency

Yeah, I know.  I'M PUMPED FOR OPENING DAY TOO.  Right, so everything about this video is great..... Right up until the end.

First of all, this narrator has ridiculously enchanting oratory skills.  Combine that with the visuals of the "Y'all gon' make me lose my mind, UPTON here UPTON here" bros looking splendid in their new uniforms, Braves fans Tomahawk Chopping their little hearts out, pitching studs Medlen and Kimbrell looking unhittable, and did I mention the narrator's absurdly listenable voice?!

This was so close to a perfection.... Until they blew it all up at the end with the new 2013 slogan "Always Brave".  What the hell is that?

As a Braves fan, I'm having difficulty understanding why the 'S' has been slashed from the moniker and tossed into a cheesy new slogan.  This is a team made up of a collection of high-caliber individuals, when melded together, form a formidable cohesive unit.

So who exactly is the lone "Brave" who is "Always Braves"?  Is it Jason Heyward?  Freddie Freeman?  Wait, don't tell me it's Jordan Schafer, because we ALL know the only thing he does "Always" is smoke weed.

Because I do not approve of the new slogan – I'm going to offer a few of my own suggestions.  After I make this comprehensive list, do not be surprised if I am summoned to the Braves corporate office and am offered a full-time brainstorming position with paid vacation and a shit-load of benefits.  They are that good:

Misbehave for the Braves:

Courtesy of JPB209's Youtube Account


                                                    Courtesy of

Rave for the Braves: 

                                      Courtesy of

Wow, these are some baller new slogan names, huh?  I'm expecting a call from Frank Wren any second now, begging me for a job opportunity in the Braves Think-Tank.  Think you have some better ideas for slogan names than mine?  I doubt it, but go ahead and leave a comment if something brilliant comes to you.  I might look at it, but then again I probably won't.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Rise and Fall of the "Screaming Indian" Logo

Okay, so there's good news and bad news about the Braves "Screaming Indian" Logo.  Aaaand everyone wants the good news first so here it is:

Wow, that logo on the right is so sweeeeeeet.  I mean, look at that thing.  Who wouldn't want to be rocking that on the baseball field, in the grocery store, or while visiting your local Indian reservation?  The good news is that the Braves front office knows a damn good logo when they see one.

Right, so onto the much expected bad news.  The bad news is that these hats are no longer going to be worn by any members of the Atlanta Braves.  Yeah, yeah, yeah – I know, it's a bummer because these things are cool as hell.

Basically, this thing became a big deal.  A bigger deal than probably you or I could possibly see coming.  All the local news stations started reporting about how "racist" our new hats were.  Apparently, the "Braves" who our logo pays homage too were none too thrilled by the Braves choice in logo.  I don't see how, because these hats scream "We love Indians!"  Right?  At least that's how it looks to me.....

While it is no doubt a travesty that our hometown team won't be sporting these beauties while soaking up rays during Spring Training, there is some good news.  What?!  More good news you ask?  Oh yes. The good news is that these hats, despite their racial symbolism, and penchant for riling up national news stations are available for purchase:

That's right, baby!  We still can wear these things on baseball fields, in the grocery store, and while we visit our local Indian reservations. It will cost you a cool $29.99, without tax and shipping and handling, but this logo is worth every penny.