Thursday, May 2, 2013

Dan Uggla's Affliction

Dan Uggla has been an Atlanta Brave for two years now.... And a long two years it's been.

During this brutal two-year period of watching Uggla suck with such unwavering devotion, I began wondering, "Is there a legitimate reason for Chuggla's piss-poor hitting skills?"

I'm have it on good authority that Frank Wren recently attended an eye-exam with Uggla, banking on the fact that only Helen Keller could possibly flail at that many sliders in the dirt.  But it turns out the eyes were all good – 20/20, baby.

Uggla isn't mired in one of those little-league slumps that used to rock your shit when you went a whole two games without getting a hit.  Nah, Chuggla's been slumping for two straight years (minus that ABNORMAL/NEVER 2 BE SEEN AGAIN, 33 game hit streak).

So the question remains – what the fu** is wrong with Dan Uggla?

#BravesFam, I come to you with answers.  Answers we have all been desperately searching, digging, begging for.  And I have found them.  It took an incredible amount of time, money, research, and skipped calsses for me to crack the case of Uggla's permanent slump.  But I did it, #BravesFam.

The answer...... Hold on....... Wait for it....... This is a bombshell................

Dan Uggla likes partying more than playing baseball (GASP!)

Look, I know this is a lot to take in right now.  I'm still trying to process this myself.  I mean, WHO COULD HAVE POSSIBLY SEEN THIS COMING?!  Oh..... That's right – nobody except the good-timin' son-of-a-bitch @FakeDanUggla himself.

But now I will present you with the facts, #BravesFam.


According to, Dan Uggla's intro song for the 2011 season was none other than the most internationally partied to song in the history of the world (assumption.... but a damn good one):

Of fuc**** course Uggla's favorite jam is Party..Rock.. Anthem..  C'mon Dan!  How about you choose an average, generic country song and just call it a season?  The least you could have done was start walking up to Akon's "Put the Blame on Me," because everyone sure as hell is blaming you for not living up to your 5-year, $62 million dollar contract.  You know what?  Maybe I'll just have to use that one for my co-rec intramural softball walk up – BECAUSE I PUT THE BLAME ON MYSELF FOR EVER BELIEVING IN YOU, CHUGGLA.

Right, so now begins the montage of Dan Uggla basking in his favorite place on earth, the baseba- wait, no, it's the club.

                                                     Photo Courtesy of

Here, we see Dan chucking the deuces up, looking extremely guido-ish, and overall happy as shit to be in a party rockin' atmosphere.  As you can see, #BravesFam, Dan loves rockin' himself some parties.

                                                     Photo credit Cody Boor / Hard Rock Hotel & Casino.

Here we see Dan in Vegas – and is it just me, or does he look SMASHED?  Either this is in the dead of winter, and Dan has a sever case of Swine Flu..... Or he is stupidly drunk, and disgustingly pale for an athlete still living in Miami.  I'm still debating, but does look like he's having a good time?  I'm 50/50 on this one.  Regardless, Uggla's toddler's sized, Affliction Tee, combined with his too-gelled, spiky hair further proves that he is no amateur when it comes to rockin' a party.

Wait.......... OMFG!  Is that Cody Ross?  Tell me that isn't Cody Ross.  But really, is that Cody Ross?  Because if it is, I'm going to enlarge this photo to life-size, print out 5 copies, (Huh, Kinkos doesn't exist anymore?) tape them in various hot-spots around my house, and then throw darts at them both ALL SEASON LONG.  I honestly couldn't tell you who I would aim for.

Actually, scratch that, I'll aim for Cody Ross's shiny dome every time –––  Never Forget


Okay, so back to another exhibit of Dan party rockin' his ass off:

Jesus.  Seriously Dan, wear a different brand to party in other than Affliction!  Everybody knows that the only people who really know how to Party Rock wear Affliction.  You're a dead give away, Chuggla.  I wish the @FauxFrankWren had seen this picture earlier, because there's no way he would have signed your perma-Mendoza Line self if he saw you in your natural habitat, looking like that big of a douche.

 Aaaaaand according to "Zephyr" you're cheating on your wife.  Wow – real smooth, you sweaty bastard.

And I wish it would stop there.  I really do, #BravesFam.  But I gotta inform/remind you of the driving force behind @FakeDanUggla becoming our 2nd basemen.  It's true, it was none other than the same dirty, grimy, nasty, filthy, grungy, disgusting (can't think of anymore) porn star who likes to wear Rob Gronkowski's Uniform in her spare time.  Yeah, good ole' Party Rockin' Dan just couldn't help himself, and went ahead and FIRED HIS AGENT SO HE COULD SLEEP WITH THIS TRAMP.

And I don't give a damn if I just followed her on Twitter (BiBiJones), she still looks like a cheap hooker, which – Oh my........ Which is probably what interested @FakeDanUggla in the first place.

There is just no telling how many more @BiBiJone's Dan's gotten with since he's been in Atlanta. #BravesFam, we could only begin to imagine how many times Chuggla has gone 0'for while we watched him at the TED, and then proceeded to fist-pump in Buckhead before we could even make it back to our FUC**** HOUSES, BECAUSE OF ATL'S FUC**** TRAFFIC.

#BravesFam, I apologize for that profanity-laced outburst.  But just imagining Uggla partying after a loss – with his sweaty face, pail skin, gelled hair – chucking up deuces while he's got an armada of hooker's on speed dial he's just itching to call – helps me better understand why our 5 year/ 62 million dollar man is off to another blistering start at the plate this year.

My foray into the world of @FakeDanUggla has taken its toll.  I'm having a hard time accepting the fact that Dan isn't the wholesome, family-body who watches game-tape after each loss as he drinks a glass of milk and talks with his mom via Skype.  I know that's the image WE'VE always had of Dan Uggla, #BravesFam, and I'm sorry to be the one to shed light on something that NOBODY CAN POSSIBLY BELIEVE.

But really, guys, I've figure out the solution to get Dan above the Mendoza-Line.  I believe I have solved the algorithm that will enable Chuggla to return to his glory days (How does .280 sound?).  With this one quick fix, I believe Danny can make us forget all about those days we prayed for him to strike-out instead of hit into a bases-loaded double-play.

As long as @FakeDanUggla continues his pattern of wearing infant-sized AFFLICTION T-shirts he will never crack the Mendoza-Line again.  This study has been peer-reviewed and will soon be published in a very scientific sports journal.  Feel free to quote without citing your source, because IDC.

@FakeDanUggla has no idea his entire wardrobe, which consists only of AFFLICTION Tees, has rendered him abso-f'n-lutely impotent.  Yes, you heard correctly – AFFLICTION Tees are proven to make your dick smaller with each use.  For years this has long been the theorized by the most respected scientists on earth.  However, earlier this month, the AFFLICTION Tee/ Small dick correlation was proved to be an "abso-f'n-lute fact".

Image will appear as a link

It's time to end your reign of terror, @FakeDanUggla.  BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO ADD A COUPLE INCHES TO YOUR DICK AND START HITTING ABOVE .200.  #BravesFam has granted you 2 long years of coasting by as an overpaid underachiever, but that stops now.

Stop wearing AFFLICTION – Start hitting the baseball.  


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I Am Forest

Love me #BravesFam, for I am the myth, legend, saint – Forest.  Evan Manuel Bowse has spoken, and with his blessing, I come to #BravesFam with limbs wide open.  I am one one of you.  I am one with you.  I am you.  We are all #Forest.  

Saturday, April 27, 2013

How Chip Caray Sees Himself

What Chip Thinks: 
"Damn, I look good and really earned this new position.  Yep, nothing to do with my family lineage."

What We Know: 
"Damn, Chip looks like a ass-clown rocking that mullet and glasses.  Yep, he would be bagging groceries somewhere if it wasn't for his family lineage."  

What Chip Thinks: 

"I just called a hell of a game.  And my wife was wrong, this bow tie looks great."


What We Know: 

"Jesus Chip just butchered that game.  And his wife better have picked that bow tie out for him.  Regardless – what a tool."

What Chip Thinks: 

"You hear that, Joe?  Atlanta has spoken – I'M THE VOICE OF THE BRAVES."

What We Know:

"I bet Chip just said something baseball ignorant. Joe probably winked over at him, and whispered, "I'm the voice of the Braves, bitch."   

What Chip Thinks: 

"This is what front men do – smash guitars onstage in front of their adoring fans."

What We Know:

"Put that guitar down, Chip.  You belong backstage, groupie."  

What Chip Thinks: 

"Can't get a few words in edgewise because of how famous I am."

What We Know: 

"Someone famous just stepped off the podium.  Chip's about to look like a jackass trying to follow Bobby Cox on the mic.  

What Chip Thinks: 

"That's right, curing cancer on my off day."

What We Know: 

"Poor kid.  He's already got cancer and then Chip and Yunel's malignant asses bust his door down." 

What Chip Thinks: 

"Who is this fat-ass?  I wouldn't let this scrub carry my jock."

What We Know: 

"Chip is so outclassed right here.  Tony Gwynn's got 3,000 hits under his (impressive) belly.  While Chip's got 3,000 hours worth of mangling baseball broadcasts under his.   

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Jason Heyward's Appendix

I remember that beautiful day in August when Jason Heyward strolled to the plate for his first ever major league at bat, and did this:

Yep, and at that moment I knew Jason was not a mortal.  Jason Heyward was a God sent to play baseball for the Atlanta Braves and he only does things a baseball God would do.  Such as throw lightning bolts, or eat an entire herd of cattle in one sitting, you know?  Because that's the shit that baseball God's do.

So you can imagine my dismay when I come to find that the image of Jason Heyward I had built up in my mind, doesn't exist.  He is a human?  WTF.

                                                        He certainly doesn't look very human
                                                                             Photo courtesy of

Yes, Jason Heyward is a human with an appendix and all.  I've been such a fool.

Well, as it is, Jason Heyward is definitely still human, but he actually no longer has an appendix.

I must admit, I'm a little worried about my entire worldview at the moment.  I mean, how could someone watch Jason Heyward smash a home run in his FIRST ever plate appearance, off of the biggest hispanic douchebag in the league (yeah - that's you Carlos Zambrano), and actually think this divine creature has an appendix!?  Or that he would ever have to have it surgically removed from his body, and then miss two weeks (TWO WEEKS?!?!) of game action.

Yeah, so, this is all a lot to take in so I apologize if I don't blog about anything for awhile.... I'm thinking about visiting Jason's birthplace in McDonough to see if I can find anything out about the man (?), the myth, and the legend that is Jason Heyward.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Braves BROmance - Freddie and CJ

Look, I'm all for the Braves players to be friends outside of work. Seriously, some of my best I played ball with so I understand.  But lately..... Freddie Freeman and Chis Johnson have taken this BROmance to a level I'm not sure anyone is really comfortable with:

Right, so this is one of the first public displays of affection we as #BravesFam were privy to.  It seems innocent enough.  BJ was lamenting how shitty of a season he'd been having so far, and Freddie stepped in to let him know he was thinking about him with a casual, "I Love You!"  

Ahh, this appeared to be all in good fun, no big deal, right?   But then CJ steps in and asserts that what he and Freddie have together needs to be acknowledged.  

But that's far from the worst display of BROmancing....... 

What?  This sounds eerily like an established, long distant relationship.  Actually, I think I have a few text conversations between my girlfriend and I that say the EXACT same thing.  Except for it's not on a public domain, and we aren't two major league baseball players, and we are in love.....

 Oh shit.  This thing escalated quickly.  I'm not even sure I love my girlfriend as much as Freddie loves CJ.  And I'm 99% sure that my girlfriend doesn't love me as much as CJ loves Freddie.  Damnit.

Jesus I hope Freddie's referring to something baseball related.  And by baseball related, I don't mean how CJ's ass looks in his baseball pants.

And this Tweet is just the icing on the BROcake.  I've used this excuse with my significant other so many times, "Sorry baby, left my phone upstairs."  But this is two major league baseball players.  If this PDA between Freddie and CJ escalates any further................................

I'll blog about it.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Jordan Schafer & The Cheesecake Factory

Seeing Jordan Schafer back in a Braves uni has brought tears of pain, and tears laughter.  The tears of pain come from knowing that Jordan Schafer is bringing his talents (?) back to Atlanta.  Right, we all know that Jordan Shafter will be relegated to the CRUCIAL role of pinch runner.  That's all fine and well.  But the tears of joy come from the beautiful memes, I see courtesy of #BravesFam.   And my, oh my there have been some good ones:

This gem courtesy of @BravesMemeGuy nails it.  First, Jordan Schafer can't hit so the idea of two absolute freak hitters searching him because he got a couple of "hits" is funny.  But really what's funny about Schafer tweets and memes is the arsenal of weeeeed jokes at #BravesFam disposal.  I mean, my God look at this guy:


Can't you seem him cruisin' around town in a Range Rover, smoking doobies, with a sack a sack of weed containing 25 grams of marijuana?  OH WAIT - THIS ALREADY HAPPENED .

And with good reason, Jordan Schafer gets a ton of shit for this on the internet.  Because when much talent is wasted, much shit is given.  But back when I first read this report, I skipped over a few CRUCIAL details.  And I mean - CRUCIAL.

Why was Schafer lighting up AFTER eating at the Cheesecake Factory?  This makes no sense and I want answers.  Everybody who is anybody knows the Cheesecake Factory is the most calorie filled, artery stuffing, Don't Eat This - Or That restaurant on the planet.  It's practically a requirement you light up a joint PRIOR to eating that food.  So what was Jordan doing smoking a joint after eating at this restaurant?

Frankly, this opens up a whole new jar of buds as far as I'm concerned.  Was Jordan Schafer, the burn-out pot-head we love making fun of, framed?  Dear God, is the goofy looking stoner in the picture above, not a goofy stoner?  OMGOMGOMGOMG.

After intense self-reflection, I've come to a conclusion on the issue.  No need to worry #BravesFam, from studying copious amounts of pictures, writings, and other archival evidence, I've deduced that Jordan Schafer is indeed, a pot-head.  Wheeeeeew, keep the memes comin'!

As it turns out, Jordan's high was coming down after eating the delicious, yet body crushing, meal at the Cheesecake Factory.  Hell, he's Jordan Schafer!  Of course he got stoned before and after.  Looking forward to seeing that approach all season at the Ted.

Monday, April 1, 2013









Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Always Brave..?

First things first – watch this video and tell me you don't get chills:  

                                                    Video Courtesy of BlueSkyAgency

Yeah, I know.  I'M PUMPED FOR OPENING DAY TOO.  Right, so everything about this video is great..... Right up until the end.

First of all, this narrator has ridiculously enchanting oratory skills.  Combine that with the visuals of the "Y'all gon' make me lose my mind, UPTON here UPTON here" bros looking splendid in their new uniforms, Braves fans Tomahawk Chopping their little hearts out, pitching studs Medlen and Kimbrell looking unhittable, and did I mention the narrator's absurdly listenable voice?!

This was so close to a perfection.... Until they blew it all up at the end with the new 2013 slogan "Always Brave".  What the hell is that?

As a Braves fan, I'm having difficulty understanding why the 'S' has been slashed from the moniker and tossed into a cheesy new slogan.  This is a team made up of a collection of high-caliber individuals, when melded together, form a formidable cohesive unit.

So who exactly is the lone "Brave" who is "Always Braves"?  Is it Jason Heyward?  Freddie Freeman?  Wait, don't tell me it's Jordan Schafer, because we ALL know the only thing he does "Always" is smoke weed.

Because I do not approve of the new slogan – I'm going to offer a few of my own suggestions.  After I make this comprehensive list, do not be surprised if I am summoned to the Braves corporate office and am offered a full-time brainstorming position with paid vacation and a shit-load of benefits.  They are that good:

Misbehave for the Braves:

Courtesy of JPB209's Youtube Account


                                                    Courtesy of

Rave for the Braves: 

                                      Courtesy of

Wow, these are some baller new slogan names, huh?  I'm expecting a call from Frank Wren any second now, begging me for a job opportunity in the Braves Think-Tank.  Think you have some better ideas for slogan names than mine?  I doubt it, but go ahead and leave a comment if something brilliant comes to you.  I might look at it, but then again I probably won't.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Rise and Fall of the "Screaming Indian" Logo

Okay, so there's good news and bad news about the Braves "Screaming Indian" Logo.  Aaaand everyone wants the good news first so here it is:

Wow, that logo on the right is so sweeeeeeet.  I mean, look at that thing.  Who wouldn't want to be rocking that on the baseball field, in the grocery store, or while visiting your local Indian reservation?  The good news is that the Braves front office knows a damn good logo when they see one.

Right, so onto the much expected bad news.  The bad news is that these hats are no longer going to be worn by any members of the Atlanta Braves.  Yeah, yeah, yeah – I know, it's a bummer because these things are cool as hell.

Basically, this thing became a big deal.  A bigger deal than probably you or I could possibly see coming.  All the local news stations started reporting about how "racist" our new hats were.  Apparently, the "Braves" who our logo pays homage too were none too thrilled by the Braves choice in logo.  I don't see how, because these hats scream "We love Indians!"  Right?  At least that's how it looks to me.....

While it is no doubt a travesty that our hometown team won't be sporting these beauties while soaking up rays during Spring Training, there is some good news.  What?!  More good news you ask?  Oh yes. The good news is that these hats, despite their racial symbolism, and penchant for riling up national news stations are available for purchase:

That's right, baby!  We still can wear these things on baseball fields, in the grocery store, and while we visit our local Indian reservations. It will cost you a cool $29.99, without tax and shipping and handling, but this logo is worth every penny.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Upton Here, Upton Here

Have you seen this yet?  

This is without a doubt one of the best memes I have ever seen.  And I swear I would say that even if it wasn't about the Braves. Seriously, how clever is this?  For those of you out there who might not understand the concept on the first read – this is where the genius of this meme took root:

That's right – notorious hip-hop screamer DMX made this meme possible.  Actually, I like the meme's lyrics better than DMX – "Y'all gon' make me lose my mind: up in here, up in here!"  Indeed, it does look as if DMX is in the actual process of losing his mind.  Sure, DMX made this beautifully executed meme a possibility, but that's about the extent of DMX making the world a better place.  

While the Braves now have two Upton's roaming the outfield, the question begs to be asked, "When is Kate Upton going to ink her new Bravo's contract?  This is the next logical step in the chase to win the World Series.  Three Uptons are waaaay better than two Uptons – especially when the trifecta is made complete with one of the hottest females on planet earth.  C'moooon Frank Wren, this is a no-brainer.  

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Can you believe it?  Only ten more days until pitchers and catchers report for spring training.  It's been a long offseason, but our Bravos have stayed active.  This is my first post so I'll keep things short and sweet – I'm excited.  And you should be too, fellow Braves fans.  It's going to be a great year.

And just like Braves baseball – I'll be back soon.  I'm too pumped up NOT to blog about this team.  It's going to be a beautiful season.  So sweet it is to be living in The Land of the Free, Home of the Braves.