Sunday, April 14, 2013

Braves BROmance - Freddie and CJ

Look, I'm all for the Braves players to be friends outside of work. Seriously, some of my best I played ball with so I understand.  But lately..... Freddie Freeman and Chis Johnson have taken this BROmance to a level I'm not sure anyone is really comfortable with:

Right, so this is one of the first public displays of affection we as #BravesFam were privy to.  It seems innocent enough.  BJ was lamenting how shitty of a season he'd been having so far, and Freddie stepped in to let him know he was thinking about him with a casual, "I Love You!"  

Ahh, this appeared to be all in good fun, no big deal, right?   But then CJ steps in and asserts that what he and Freddie have together needs to be acknowledged.  

But that's far from the worst display of BROmancing....... 

What?  This sounds eerily like an established, long distant relationship.  Actually, I think I have a few text conversations between my girlfriend and I that say the EXACT same thing.  Except for it's not on a public domain, and we aren't two major league baseball players, and we are in love.....

 Oh shit.  This thing escalated quickly.  I'm not even sure I love my girlfriend as much as Freddie loves CJ.  And I'm 99% sure that my girlfriend doesn't love me as much as CJ loves Freddie.  Damnit.

Jesus I hope Freddie's referring to something baseball related.  And by baseball related, I don't mean how CJ's ass looks in his baseball pants.

And this Tweet is just the icing on the BROcake.  I've used this excuse with my significant other so many times, "Sorry baby, left my phone upstairs."  But this is two major league baseball players.  If this PDA between Freddie and CJ escalates any further................................

I'll blog about it.

1 comment:

  1. thankx so much for posting!! and if these guys are broadcasting their broiling bromances all over the interwebs, one can be certain it's on purpose! i'm sure they know about DM's on twitter. and i'm sure if a MLB player acknowledged he we were gay, it will have to be a player like Freeman (m. harvey). if he's a good player, ppl will just wanna win. they won't much care bout his sexuality. . .
