Saturday, April 27, 2013

How Chip Caray Sees Himself

What Chip Thinks: 
"Damn, I look good and really earned this new position.  Yep, nothing to do with my family lineage."

What We Know: 
"Damn, Chip looks like a ass-clown rocking that mullet and glasses.  Yep, he would be bagging groceries somewhere if it wasn't for his family lineage."  

What Chip Thinks: 

"I just called a hell of a game.  And my wife was wrong, this bow tie looks great."


What We Know: 

"Jesus Chip just butchered that game.  And his wife better have picked that bow tie out for him.  Regardless – what a tool."

What Chip Thinks: 

"You hear that, Joe?  Atlanta has spoken – I'M THE VOICE OF THE BRAVES."

What We Know:

"I bet Chip just said something baseball ignorant. Joe probably winked over at him, and whispered, "I'm the voice of the Braves, bitch."   

What Chip Thinks: 

"This is what front men do – smash guitars onstage in front of their adoring fans."

What We Know:

"Put that guitar down, Chip.  You belong backstage, groupie."  

What Chip Thinks: 

"Can't get a few words in edgewise because of how famous I am."

What We Know: 

"Someone famous just stepped off the podium.  Chip's about to look like a jackass trying to follow Bobby Cox on the mic.  

What Chip Thinks: 

"That's right, curing cancer on my off day."

What We Know: 

"Poor kid.  He's already got cancer and then Chip and Yunel's malignant asses bust his door down." 

What Chip Thinks: 

"Who is this fat-ass?  I wouldn't let this scrub carry my jock."

What We Know: 

"Chip is so outclassed right here.  Tony Gwynn's got 3,000 hits under his (impressive) belly.  While Chip's got 3,000 hours worth of mangling baseball broadcasts under his.   

1 comment:

  1. Well, you missed the obvious Chip thought: "You know, not only am I an amazingly well-dressed guy, and the VOB (Voice of the Braves), but I bear a striking resemblance to a young Kevin Bacon. I think that, in addition to curing cancer and being the VOB, I could probably be a Hollywood star."
